MS-150 Stats
Average Speed: 17.4 mph
Distance: 145
Elapsed Time: 8:21:10
Max Speed: 47mph
This bike really takes off on downhills. I've had it up to 52mph on one of the local hills here (killer hill out of the Port of Catoosa). On many other hills, I coast away from the standups because of my reduced drag, and because I way 210lbs compared to the 165lbs of most of the standup jockeys that I've been riding with. Up hill grades have gotten considerably less stressful for me as I've done more training. There are still some grades in the area that are extra work. But, I'm looking forward to conquering them and training to the next level.
I recently bought a Challenge, Hurricane Deluxe recumbent bicycle. Challenge is a company out of the Netherlands. There are a handful of dealers here in the U.S. I ordered mine from Zach Kaplan Cycles. Zach's an accomidating guy who helped me get the bike configured how I needed it.
This vehicle is a rather fast bike, and it has some challenging attributes (interesting play on the company name). For those who have not ridden a recumbent, the primary difference that you will notice immediately is that balance is about stearing the vehicle back underneath your body. And in particular, the lower the recumbent is, the more dramatic this can get.
Currently, I am about 6-10mph faster than I was on my mountain bike riding into average wind, and I am about 3-5mph overall.
Here are several (large okay, I know) photos of various modification and/or issues with the bike that I have dealt with/fixed. If you'd like to know more about my experience or otherwise, you can contact be via email.