Welcome to Gregg's Web Site!

Help us find Solomon!

Gregg's Java Stuff
java.net projects
  • Javecho - VOIP in Java
  • JeAPRS - Packet Radio for Java
  • JavaDNS - Basic DNS queries
  • Packer - Gridbag Done Right!
  • swingutil - Swing Utilities
  • OpenLink - Packet Radio Email
  • TexDoclet - LaTeX Javadocs

    Jini Related

  • Start Now! - Use Jini Now!
  • Admin UI - Admin ServiceUI
  • Griddle - A Grid Space
  • Logman - Jini Logging Service!
  • Reef - A new Jini Lookup
  • What's It Do? - Jini Examples!
  • Amatuer Radio Links
  • W5IAS - TARC
  • W5GGW - My Radio Stuff
  • ARRL - Amateur Radio
  • QRZ.com - HAM Who's Who?
  • Power Werx
  • West Mountain
  • HRO
  • Texas Towers
  • Universal Radio
  • E-HAM.net - If you can?
  • Gregg's Blogging
  • Gregg's Artima Blog
  • Gregg's Livejournal
  • Gregg's Rambling Blog
  • Wonderly Family Genealogy
    This web site contains documentation related to our family genealogy including over 2000 family names with more than 6500 individuals. Please feel free to browse the genealogy stuff and help us solve our Solomon Gingerly questions.

    This website contains what information that we have collected about these families as well as some of their descendants. Much of it we do have some proof for. If you find errors in this data, please contact us (change the " at " string to the @ symbol in the email address).

    We have some documents about various family individuals as well as pictures of various family individuals.

    Do you ride a bicycle? Get Bent!

    I ride a Challenge Hurricane Deluxe recumbent. That named model is not made any longer, but the Challenge lineup is a full of very populate bikes. There are lots of great reasons to ride a bike, and a recumbent may just make it possible for you to enjoy it too! There are lots of choices of recumbents, just as there are 'stand-ups'. Look on the web at some of these different links.
  • bikeroute.com.
  • Rans Bicycles in Kansas.
  • FAQ for Recumbent Bikes.
  • Recumbents.com.
  • Lightning bikes.
  • Hostel Shoppe.
  • What is a recumbent?.
  • Easyracers are common in the U.S.
  • Bicycle Man article on BentRide!!!.
  • Recumbent BikeRiders Inc.
  • There are lots of people switching to recumbents. Of course you will see a lot of older age riders on recumbents because it provides a lot of physical relief. This leads to some people viewing recumbents as being slow since these often less atheletic riders are the visible indicator. However, that is simply not true. Recumbents are the fastest bikes on the road for the training level of the rider. The reduction in wind drag provides a dramatic advantage. I can coast from 20mph to 50mph on local hills here where standup riders can not get above 40mph, tucked and pedaling. I don't have a windshield or shell on my bike. I don't need it to ride at the level that I want to ride. If I added a shield, I probably would not get much exercise when riding with my 18-20mph riding buddies.

    The great thing about a recumbent is not that it is faster, but that it is painless. It unloads your back, your arms, your wrists etc. from the stresses that you have on a standup bike. When I go on 60mile rides, I stop to eat and drink, and rest my legs, but never because of inordinate pain in my limbs or back due to awkward riding position. It makes it possible to ride a long way without being worn out!

    gregg at wonderly.org